News Reports

June 2024

A four minute news report on the ancient olive trees at Masseria Brancati (@masseria_brancati is an exceptional Masseria and experience) including the oldest one of 2400 years old followed by a sequence explaining the Xylella bacteria, the filming of the dead and dying trees below Ostuni and showcasing the grafting solution with our Agronomo Cosimo Leone and the founding of A.M.O. 🌳 Puglia, to an estimated 6 million French viewers (aired 4th June 2024 main news 20 H and produced by ( )

TF1 - les oliviers millénaires des Pouilles menacés par une bactérie (June 2024)

Corriere Della Sera - Lotta alla Xylella, contro il batterio killer nasce il Parco degli ulivi (June 2024)

Brindisi Cronaca (June 2024)